User Interface Designer

My name is Salvador Reyes, and I create functional and inclusive products while also emphasizing accessibility

About Me

Having interacted with technology for a majority of my life, I knew it was going to be my future career. But I just didn’t know exactly how it would fit into my life. Coincidentally, through my freshman year, I took an introduction class for UI/UX and I knew it was for me. I was enamored by the subject and its role in how we interact and experience the technology we use everyday.

My Projects

Work I'm proud of

Community Help Network Redesign

Working in a small group, we researched and designed a completely new website for a local nonprofit to help increase donations and deliver information more effectively

Soap Dispenser Interface

Designing an interface for the distribution of various shampoos and conditioners

Apple Watch Thermometer Interface

An original design for a thermostat app for the Apple Watch

Contact Me

For any inquiries please email